I've used this handy wedding emergency kit since 2017, as a bridesmaid, coordinator and at my own wedding. Over the years, I've collected everything that you will need in case of an emergency on the wedding day. Think first aid kit but with a whole lot more!
The most common items that people will bring to weddings are band-aids, bobby pins, hairspray and similar items. But, you never know when you might need a pair of scissors or a tensor bandage. So let's get into it.

The list
Band-aids (a few sizes)
Bobby pins (a full pack)
a mini or full sized hairspray
q tips
breath mints
lint roller
makeup remover wipes
sewing kit
makeup remover pads
spare toothbrush + toothpaste
stress/headache relieving rollerballs (diffuser oils)
double sided skin safe tape
pens + sticky note pad
pads + tampons
blister tape
nail file + clippers
nail polish remover
safety pins
extra earring backs
handheld mirror
glasses wipes
heel/ball of foot supports
necklace extenders
nipple pasties
bra clips + strap supports
hair clips + ties
Not in the picture
dry shampoo
hand sanitizer wipes
Am I missing anything? Comment if so!